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The CEO of LianTronics Comes to Esdlumen to Guide works

The CEO of LianTronics Comes to Esdlumen to Guide works

  • March 20,2020.

March 20, 10:30 am, Esdlumen held a mobilization meeting for the managers in Esdlumen’s showroom. LianTronics CEO, Mr. Liu, Esdlumen CEO Mr. Wu, CFO Mr. Wang, and other managers attended in this meeting.

During the meeting, Mr. Liu fully affirmed the achievements that Esdlumen did in the past years and put forward his expectation concerning the disadvantages in management and development. He pointed out that Esdlumen’s staff should quickly adjust their mindset, regain confidence, and fight for themselves and platform to reinvigorate Esdlumen's glory!

LianTronics CEO Mr. Liu

Mr. Liu is full of confidence for the new leaders. He said that Esdlumen and LianTronics are sister companies and cooperate with each other. He hopes that under the efforts of the new management team, a management alliance between Esdlumen and LianTronics to share R & D process, procurement & supply, customer cooperation, and develop the market together should be achieved! Esdlumen needs to regain the start point, and actively respond to the “511 strategy”. To gain 10% of global market shares and achieve the goal of 10 billion business income in the next 5 years!

Esdlumen CEO & General Manager Mr. Wu

During the meeting, Esdlumen CEO, Mr. Wu, showed appreciation to all the managers for their hard work. He hoped everyone could value the brand of Esdlumen, could persist in doing the right thing and could continue to show their usefulness in Esdlumen.

After the meeting, Mr. Liu discussed with Mr. Wu and other middle management and listened to the opinions of sales and various functional departments on the two core issues of products and services. Then Mr. Liu encouraged everyone to work hard and make Esdlumen better and better!

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